How Seraph Science gained a 3x increase in SQLs

Learn how Grizzle helped marketing solutions company Seraph Science amplify their message and generate awareness for a niche service.


increase in SQLs


media mentions


organic traffic increase

To define the term “c-suite marketing” seems obvious. It’s a practice and methodology that helps you connect with—you guessed it—senior decision-makers.

Trouble is, nobody is actively looking for a solution like this. For Seraph Science (the leading authority in c-suite marketing), this makes traditional inbound marketing tricky.


Seraph Science needed a system for demand generation and brand awareness

Seraph Science was growing rapidly. After developing a c-suite marketing methodology during his tenure as an in-house sales leader, CEO James Harris quickly secured the likes of SAS, Netsuite, and Capgemini as clients.

To take growth to the next level, he needed a marketing and demand generation program that established Seraph Science as a thought leader in the B2B marketing space while educating their ICP on the problem and solution they were offering.


Grizzle’s end-to-end methodology helped Seraph Science attract buyers on the right channels

Every B2B marketer knows how difficult it is to connect with senior decision-makers, and Seraph Science has the solution.

However, nobody was actively looking for c-suite marketing as a service. In this regard, Seraph Science is a true category creator.

To increase solution awareness, we needed to take Seraph Science’s message directly to the market. Here’s how.

1. Educating buyers on existing platforms with digital PR

When leading the charge in a new category, you need to get your message on the platforms they’re most active. For Seraph Science, this meant creating content and publishing it on relevant publications and channels.

We started by conducting deep customer research, interviewing existing clients and potential buyers to understand:

  1. Why they invested in Seraph Science’s services in the first place
  2. What other challenges they’re currently trying to overcome
  3. Where they go for new information

The answer to question three is key to creating a roadmap for our go-to-market and demand generation efforts. It allows our clients to write our channel strategy for us.

After speaking with dozens of senior B2B marketing leaders, we found that the vast majority sought insights and advice from a handful of the same publications and their peers.

So, we wrote a series of guest posts on publications like MarketingProfs, eConsultancy, and B2B Marketing—becoming regular contributors in the process:

The guest post above was one of a three-part series for MarketingProfs, and was responsible for the first near-six-figure deal attributed to our demand generation and content marketing efforts.

2. Capturing demand with bottom of funnel content

Ebooks still work wonders when they tap into big problems or share new ideas. Which is exactly what we did with “The Definitive Guide to C-Suite Marketing.”

The in-depth guide allowed us to build an audience of B2B marketers who were looking to get in front of senior decision makers. Most importantly, it allowed us to capture and nurture sales opportunities—leading to a 3x increase in SQLs.

Grizzle handled BOFU content production and landing page copywriting, leading to Seraph Science capturing 42 leads in the first 30 days of publication.

3. Generating search traffic at all stages of the funnel

To reach their ambitious goals, Seraph Science needed to expand its marketing beyond the direct-to-buyer approach laid out above.

The biggest opportunity was in content marketing, educating an audience of B2B buyers around tangential marketing topics while embedding client success stories to build social proof and establish Seraph Science as a B2B marketing authority.

As a result, we ranked for several competitive keywords related to B2B marketing, account-based marketing, LinkedIn growth, and more. These efforts helped increase organic traffic by 373%.


Grizzle’s partnership with Seraph Science generated six figures worth of sales pipeline

By partnering with an agency, Seraph Science increases SQLs, brand awareness, and traffic from key channels.


increase in SQLs


media mentions


organic traffic increase

These efforts also opened up speaking engagements and assisted in attracting talent keen to work for an agency pushing the marketing envelope.

About the company:

Seraph Science is a c-suite marketing solution that helps enterprise B2B companies connect with senior decision-makers within key accounts to generate seven- to eight-figures in sales pipeline.


Marketing, Professional Services

"Grizzle's end-to-end methodology got our message in front of a wider audience, increasing traffic and sales pipeline. We connected with several prominent influencers, and one digital PR campaign generated a six-figure deal."

James Harris

CEO, Seraph Science

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